Thursday, January 10, 2013

No more bottled water

   I love bottled water. It tastes better than tap and it's portable. The kids don't spill from them, usually. Not only have we always had individual water bottles that we bought form Costco, but we also have a water cooler that holds a 5 gallon water bottle. The water comes out either cold, or hot. So, if the kids want hot chocolate they can do it on their own. If I want tea I don't have to wait. Ahhh the joy of instant gratification! Bottles are just easier, plain and simple.
   I have a good friend who NEVER has bottled water. I actually keep a stash of them in her pantry. Seriously! That's how much I love bottled water. They drink from the tap. She always tells me that CA tap water is way better than the AZ water she had been used to drinking. Her hubby doesn't see why you would pay for water when you can get it from your tap. "It's like paying for it twice!" What a cheap man! Or does this make him a smart man? Both I think.
   While I am quite sure that I will always prefer the taste of bottled water over tap, I am also quite sure that I can no longer drink it. At my friend's suggestion I watched "Tapped". I'd seen it on netflix for a long time but I didn't want to watch it. I knew it was going to tell me things I didn't want to hear. I knew it was going to change my mind.
   So, yesterday we finally finished all the bottled water that was in the house. I felt good about it and the kids didn't seem to care if they had tap water or bottled water as long as they had something. Hubby didn't seem happy at all. I made myself a big glass of iced tap water, and asked him if he wanted a glass too. "No, not tap water." He looked sad, sitting there eating his dinner with nothing to drink. I finally passed him mine and he finished it.
   When we were done clearing the table and in the kitchen alone I asked him if he was mad. "No, just annoyed." He loves bottled water just as much as I do. But he also loves me. He loves me enough to let me empty our house of the products that he's used to, like his shaving cream. I left his deodorant, for now- he works construction. He's annoyed at not having bottled water in the house, but said it'd be ok. He doesn't feel as strongly as I do about these things, but sees how important they are to me.
   I am blessed to have him. He knows I'm nuts by most people's account, and not only puts up with me but supports me also. So, tonight with dinner I think I'll reward him with a nice cold beer!

truly smart water!

1 comment:

  1. If its important to you then its important to me. Love you
