Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"It's just a fetal pig, mom."

   These six words broke my heart! "It's just a fetal pig, mom." The word 'just', spoken to emphasize that this creature, this thing, didn't matter. It sent a very real, very sharp bolt of pain through my body.
   My oldest son is in the seventh grade. He had mentioned that his science class was going to be dissecting pigs, but I pushed the thought to the back of my mind. I didn't like the idea and didn't want to think about it. But last night he asked me for $4 to pay for the cost of the dissection. Not knowing what to say, I told him "OK".
   After he crawled into bed for the night, I started talking to my hubby about it, and I broke down. I mean just crying like a baby. I couldn't help it, I couldn't stop it. My heart's dam burst! How has my son gotten to the point that life doesn't matter? That's what this is about, for me, life. The school- science- is telling him that this life isn't important, it's just a fetal pig.
   I think this is a problem. A huge problem! We're teaching our kids, or allowing them to be taught, that a fetus isn't life. It's garbage, it's disposable. If my son doesn't learn to value the life of animals, how can I teach him to value human life? The reason they study the pigs is because they're so similar to humans. If we're so similar, and a pig fetus has no value, no worth, what about human fetuses?
   You know what's so cool about fetuses? They turn into babies, who turn into adults...if they're allowed. They're alive, inside their mothers. They're alive! Life is everything! It should be cherished, treasured, and protected.
   Now, I'm not an animal rights activist, I'm not going to go to the school and protest or anything like that. I did meet with his teacher this morning and explain to her how I felt about the project and asked that my son be excused and given an alternate assignment. The fact that she didn't seem shocked about this request leads me to believe I'm not the only parent who feels this way.
   I'm not against science and discovery either. I just couldn't see the benefit of a 13 year old boy hacking into an animal. What is he going to learn that he couldn't learn through a book or a chart or a diagram? I don't understand the 'why' behind the assigment.
   No worries though. HIs teacher asked him to write a report about pigs. Adult pigs, baby pigs, fetal pigs,  "It doesn't matter," she said. "Just make it interesting." I'm so excited to have this opportunity to help my son see the value in pigs. I'm excited for him to learn that these animals are amazing, beautiful and good for more than just bacon.
   You may not agree with me, and that's ok. You may think I'm nuts and that's ok too! I mean kids have been dissecting things in school for a long time and they've all turned out fine, right? Right. But I made it through school without ever dissecting anything and I turned out fine too, right? Well, maybe I am a little different, but I'd like to think it's a good kinda different.
   I'm just a mom, trying to do what I think is going to be best for my kids.

see how cute they are?!

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