The beginning of this month was very busy for us. My twins had their birthday on the first, my nephew's birthday was the third and mine was on the fifth!!!! We made it through all of our birthdays with lots of fun, love, and a few gifts.
I can't believe how quickly my kiddos are growing up! The twins are twelve, my oldest is thirteen and my youngest will be ten next month. They will all be double digits in age!!!! How did that happen??? Weren't they all just babies?
Oh how I longed for the day when they'd all be out of diapers, sleeping through the night, no longer breastfeeding, and self sufficient. Now, I miss those things. I miss having a baby to hold, a baby that needs me and thinks I'm the greatest.
While I know that my big kids still love me, these older years bring new challenges that are just... well... no fun! Give me a tantrum throwing toddler any day, a teenager with attitude? No thanks! Can I pass on this? I know one day I'll look back on this time, smile and laugh, but for now... LORD help me!!!!
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